There was champagne, mimosas, scrumptious hors d'oeuvres, photographs, people, laughing. Good times. You know, a party! Thought we'd finally share a few images from that day. Images courtesy of Becky B. It was fun. As was our A + B = SEE! Yes, the A + B School was a success!!! We had a great time getting to know everyone, share our stories & secrets (ooooh!), and photograph such a cute couple for their engagement session! We'll give you the scoop and show you images of the class in the next entry this week..
Our baby, Giada Bella, having a great time as well!
1 comment:
Hey guys! It was a blast! Lots of fun was had by all! I love the Picture of us ;) Its my new Background! We will definently have you take pictures of our kids! (when we get around to having them hehe) Love you both Byee!
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