Thursday, January 22, 2009

Brook likes to read.....Not so much.

It is true. I don't like to read. I am more of a movie guy. I have always thought that if a book was that great, they will make it into a 2 hour movie, thus saving me a ton of time and effort. Well, not so much effort but time. Heck, I made it through high school without reading a real book. One of my teachers finally realized my book reports were on movies when I turned in Ben Hur. But I made sure I actually read for my high school final in English when I read Hansel and Gretel out loud to the class. It got a lot of laughs and my teacher thought I was pretty lame. Lame, but funny! Don't worry, I already had an A going into it and did it for fun. That brought it down a grade, but it was worth it. Getting back to my main thought.. Alisha and I are working on a book that will be released at in Vegas. It will be a book of some of our favorite photos from the last 11 years. I think that people are really going to enjoy this. I hope that fellow photographers will be able to use our photos to inspire them when they go out and shoot that next wedding. You will be able to purchase it in Vegas and later we'll make available through our site. I swear you are going to love it. It requires virtually no reading skills! A picture book. You got it.

Also, on a totally different note. Check me out on Twitter and Facebook. I update those all the time. Thanks for checking back on on us.

Have a great weekend!


Coutureplanner said...

I can't wait to see it!

ed pingol said...

it's funny that i just found out that you guys are from the bay area. keep up the awesome job guys!
