Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Roller Derby

First off, I gotta say that I love shooting weddings, it has been an amazing ride. However, let it be said that I also love photographing beyond the realm of weddings. I think it is good to give yourself projects as photographers. So this year I am giving myself photo assignments. The first one this year was the roller derby. We have a local Roller Derby here in Santa Cruz. So I contacted them and told them that I was interested in coming down and shooting for the evening. After I was given a press pass, I was on my way! I had a great time!! It was a challenge due to the lighting, but it was fun. Bottom line: FUN. If you are a photographer or not, tell us what you like to photograph. Also, feel free to suggest other cool stuff ***IDEAS*** for me to shoot. Now I am on the hunt for some random stuff. I think next up is the rodeo. Yeeee haw!

The Brook

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