Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What should I look for when I hire a photographer?

Clients always ask this question. And hey, it's a good one. There is not just one thing to look for, it is a bunch of things. One, and I hate to is the dreaded "B" word. BUDGET! You need to find a photographer in your budget. So, when you are sitting down to watch your Tivo-ed Oprah and plan your wedding, plan to spend about 15% to 20% on your wedding photographer. At least. Some may say that is a lot of money, and hey it can be if you are having a large wedding. I have to say this, photos are the one thing that you are going to have years from now. People forget the chicken, shrimp, and the crab cakes. I mean I love them, don't get me wrong, I love me some crab cakes and those asparagus bacon wrapped deals, you know the ones I'm talkin' about. Sorry, I am a little hungry now. The point I am trying to make is that photographs are the one thing you have left, years later. Get the best that you can get. Get us.

The next thing to look at is the photographers work. You should love your photographers work, not just like it, LOVE it! Otherwise you are going to look at your photographs years later with the kids and think your pictures are ok. And your kids are going to say, "Your pictures are ok but they could have been amazing." With tears in their eyes they will say,"Why? Why didn't you hire Alisha and Brook?" For nothing else, hire Alisha and I for the kids. Do it for the children. Don't disappoint them.

Last but not least, hire a photographer you love, I am talking about "personality". You need to feel comfortable around your photographer. Not like, "Wow I love his/her work, but boy, they give me the heebie-jeebies!" Because the result will be that you and all your guests will have a weird look on their face in each and every photo. You don't want that. Alisha and I guarantee not to give you the heebie-jeebies or even anything like a heebie-jeebie. We are anti-heebie-jeebie.

To sum up, crab cakes are delicious but don't last. An ok photo is still mediocre, but fabulous images are taken by Alisha & Brook. And in conclusion, we offer anti-heebie-jeebie wedding packages. No one else in the world offers that. No one.

Have a great day,
