Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dude, it seems like you have fun...... A lot.....

To that I gotta say,"Guilty as charged sir, guilty as charged!" I do have fun but when it comes to business, the Brook does work. Notice how I talked about myself in the 3rd person. That was cool.... The Brook likes..... Any-hoo, speaking of work, here are some recent shots from some very cool (A.K.A.- fun) weddings. I hope you like the pictures and have some fun today. For real. Have some fun! I mean it. Do it now!!!!! You are still here. Oh, I get it, this is fun. Well, I am glad you think so. Have a great day.


1 comment:

TK said...

Brook, log time reader, first time posting! your images always look so beautiful and I love that they evoke feelings. congratulations on your new motherhood. best, tammie