Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sci Fi Geek?

Who doesn't love the original Star Wars? I mean, I haven't actually gone to a Star Wars convention or anything. Would I go? Yah. I'd have to dress my baby as Princess Leia. I have a friend, Michonne, who was actually in Star Wars Episode I, The Phantom Menace in 1999 as Aurra Sing, a ruthless female Bounty Hunter. She only has about 3 seconds of screen time during Anakin's pod race. But it still counts! Michonne signed her action figure and gave it to me. We actually went to Jr. High together. Her husband, John, is a photographer buddy of ours. They have a baby girl as well. Anyhow, back to Star Wars. Love Han Solo. Of course, Harrison Ford is great as Indiana Jones as well. I'm looking forward to the new movie in the series.

It worth mentioning my brother-in-law, Todd, has been to 2 Trekky conventions! You big nerd! He'll be so embarrassed...

A little question for you all to comment on: What are your favorite shows?

We watch LOST, HOUSE, and huh...Smallville. On my own, since Brook is not a Sci-Fi fan, I watch Battlestar Galatica. It fantastic. I wish Firefly had never been canceled. I loved that show. Stargate Atlantis. The 4400 is fun, but its always off-season. I have actually seen the entire Farscape series. Wow, I'm such a geek. At least I can admit it. Whew! I feel a great sense of relief after that confession.


P.S. If you have ever carried on a conversation that contained the phrase "midi-chlorians," then the Force (of geekdom) is strong with you, my friend.


Unknown said...

Well you are not the only geek out there. There is one that lives next door, GOSH! Anyways from geek to geek Star Wars Episode IV is my favorite. Indy is cool to. There are plenty of shows that I watch. LOST, BSG, 4400, Stargate Atlantis, and Firefly we have in common. I have been watching on BBC America one of the best car shows ever produced, and that would be TOP GEAR. I am not only a scifi geek, but I am also a car enthusiast. Well that is it for myself. I will leave with one last thought, "There is only DO or DO NOT, there is no Try."

Anonymous said...

BSG is the best Sci Fi on TV if not the best show on period right now. We have a group that actually gets together at our favorite pub every friday night and take over the TV when it comes on! It's just too bad it's coming to an end!!

So say we all!!